At Hampshire Asbestos Solutions, we understand the dangers of asbestos exposure and the importance of having your property or suspect asbestos material tested. Our certified professionals are equipped with the latest technology to provide accurate and efficient asbestos testing services. We offer thorough inspections, sample collection, laboratory analysis by our UKAS accredited associates, and detailed reports to ensure that all ACMs are accounted for. We work closely with our clients to create a customised plan that fits their specific needs. With Hampshire Asbestos Solutions, you can trust that your property is in good hands.
Don't take any chances when it comes to asbestos. Contact us today for a reliable and affordable asbestos testing service.
Asbestos insulating board
Roofing material
Pipe insulation
Asbestos sprayed coating
Chrysotile asbestos
Asbestos corrugated cement
Asbestos textured coating
Asbestos cement debris
Asbestos containing floor tiles
Asbestos cement roof sheet
Marley tiles
Asbestos cement
Asbestos cement roof tiles
Asbestos cement planter
Asbestos sink pad
Bitumen adhesive
Electrical box
Marley tiles
Asbestos cement flue pipe
Asbestos cement debris
Asbestos insulating board
4 Lyndhurst Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RL, United Kingdom
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Hampshire Asbestos Solutions is a trading brand of Kent Asbestos Solutions Limited. Company No: 13032417, Registered in England & Wales. VAT number 443 4130 28.
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